Installing from the Mercurial Repository

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Revision as of 19:04, 26 February 2011 by Dirk (talk | contribs) (direct link to the PEAR package)

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Nightly Tarball

The easiest way to install the current development version of Geeklog is to use the Nightly Tarball. It is created every night and packaged like a normal Geeklog release, so you can simply download it and follow the installation instructions.

Using the Mercurial Repository

Checking out

Assuming you have Mercurial installed but don't have a developer's account, you can check out the current development version like so:

hg clone

This will create a directory named "geeklog" in the current directory.

.dist files

You need to make copies of the following three files:

cd geeklog
cp db-config.php.dist db-config.php
cp public_html/siteconfig.php.dist public_html/siteconfig.php
cp system/lib-custom.php.dist system/lib-custom.php

These files have been renamed so that you can run Geeklog off of a checked-out repository without having to deal with possible merge conflicts in those files (or, even worse, accidentally checking in db-config.php with your database password).


You also need the package of PEAR classes. These classes are included in the Geeklog release tarball (and in the nightly tarball), but not checked in to the Mercurial repository.

After downloading the file, copy it into your system/pear directory and unpack it there like so:

cd geeklog/system/pear
tar xfz geeklog-pear.tar.gz


Now you can proceed with the installation as usual.