Patches and Upgrades

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The repository allows a way to have patches or upgrades to existing plugins offered for one-click automatic installation via. the repository. However, there is a certain file format that must be followed for patches and upgrades.

Since the act of patching and upgrading are almost the same (Both add/edit/remove files and / or SQL), the only difference is that an upgrade updates your plugin version number as well. Hence the structure of both are identical.

In the root directory of the patch / upgrade, there has to be the following directories and files:

  • admin - This folder holds the files that you would like to be moved to the public_html/admin/plugins/yourplugin folder. Files with the same name will overwrite existing ones.
  • public_html - All files that you would like copied to /public_html/yourplugin folder.
  • plugins - All files you would like to be copied to /plugins/yourplugin folder.
  • updates.php -- See below for information on this file


This file contains the instructions for the update / upgrade process to follow. This file is mandatory, and without it your patches / upgrades will not be able to be offered for automatic one-click install, instead will have to be manually installed by the user.

The structure of the file is as follows:

The file MUST include a static class named UpdatePlugin, that implements the PluginUpdateInterface interface.

PluginUpdateInterface interface:

interface PluginUpdateInterface
    public static function init();

The sample class is below, with explanations:

class UpdatePlugin implements PluginUpdateInterface
    public static $_SQL_DATA = array();
    public static $_SQL_PTABLES = array();
    public static $PLUGIN_NAME = 'repositorylisting';
    public static function init()
        // do nothing
        return true;

  • public static $_SQL_DATA - This is an array of SQL files, that is any SQL you would like to be executed as part of the update / upgrade.
  • public static $_SQL_PTABLES - This is an array of all tables that your plugin currently has assigned to it in the Geeklog database. This is for backup purposes, as all plugin data is backed up before an update / upgrade, in case of corruption to avoid data loss.
  • public static $PLUGIN_NAME - This is the name of the plugin that it goes by in the plugin table.
  • public static boolean function init();
 - This function must return either true or false. False indicates a serious error occurred and the update must be terminated. 
   This function allows you to include any code you want to execute during the update / upgrade. UpdatePlugin::init() is called after everything has been performed (SQL and file moves), before cleanup happens.