Plugin API

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Revision as of 18:43, 23 May 2009 by Dirk (talk | contribs) (Moderation API)

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Geeklog's Plugin API defines the interface between the core Geeklog code and the plugins. From Geeklog's point of view, all the Plugin API functions are called PLG_something, which will result in a function plugin_something_foo being called in the "foo" plugin (if it exists - all the API functions are optional).

For details about Plugin API functions that are not documented yet, please refer to the documented source code of lib-plugins.php


API Function Description
plugin_autouninstall_ Plugin should provide data for uninstallation
plugin_chkVersion_ Called to check if a plugin upgrade is required
plugin_enablestatechange_ Inform plugin that it's about to be enabled or disabled
plugin_install_ (not currently used)
plugin_migrate_ Site migration underway; plugin should migrate its data
plugin_uninstall_ Plugin should uninstall itself
plugin_upgrade_ Plugin should upgrade itself

Moderation / Submission

API Function Description
plugin_ismoderator_ Check to see if the current user is a moderator for this plugin
plugin_itemlist_ Provide information to build the list of items in the plugin's submission queue
plugin_moderationapprove_ Approve an item in the plugin's submission queue
plugin_moderationdelete_ Remove an item from the plugin's submission queue
plugin_moderationvalues_ Set plugin-specific moderation values
plugin_savesubmission_ Save an item in the plugin's submission queue
plugin_submissioncount_ Return the number of items in the plugin's submission queue
plugin_submit_ Display the plugin's submission form

Also see Adding Moderation Capability.




UI and Templates



Spam Filter
