Prerequisites for DevelopersG2

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As we have already eluded, Geeklog 2 is a complete rewrite of Geeklog to overcome some design limitations in the 1.3.x codebase. The underlying framework for Geeklog 2 will definitely take some ramp-up time and this section will guide you through that process. Before you can begin, however, you must bring a few basic skills to the table (or be willing to learn them before proceeding). To help the the Geeklog Development effort you must understand the following:

  1. [Basic Web Server Administration|Basic Web Server Administration]
  2. Experience with PHP5 Configuration and Installation
  3. Basic Syntax of PHP5
  4. Object Oriented Programming
  5. Design Patterns
    1. Singleton
    2. Factory
    3. Model-View-Controller
    4. Observer
    5. Observable