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Geeklog Documentation

This is the main entry for Documentation for the Geeklog Portal System. The current version is 1.3x. The next generation portal is also under development and documentation for it will be posted here as it available.

This documentation is a result of community action. Everyone is invited to sign up and participate. If you see an omission you can fill it in. If you see a mistake, correct it. If you see where things could be better organized, change it. If you have a note about a particular configuration, add it. In other words we need your help to make it better.

Authors note that you can refer to yourself or sign your work by linking to User:Youruserid, the shorthand for this is three tildes. This points initially to nothing but a blank page on which you can enter whatever info you want about yourself. You can also reach this page by clicking on your userid at the top of the page when your are logged in.

  1. Geeklog_1.3x_Documentation
  2. Geeklog 2x Documentation
  3. PEAR::Auth_Enterprise Documentation

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