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The following section outlines the Geeklog Plugin API functions which you have available to integrate your project or extend your projects features. The only mandatory function is the uninstall function. If any of the functions are not implemented they will be be skipped when Plugin feature is checked from within Geeklog. Example when building the user menu, all enabled plugins are checked to see if the plugin_getuseroption_pluginname exists. If for plugin mycontacts the plugin_getuseroption_mycontacts() does not exist, it is skipped and the next enabled plugin is checked.

Core Plugin Functions:

There are several core functions that are normally always implemented for plugins. Function prototypes and sample code for all these functions are available in the Universal Plugin Kit. If you want to enable any of them just modify the code to fit your plugin and uncomment the code.

Function Description of Function
plugin_getmenuitems_{plugin} This places items on the Site Menu
plugin_commentsupport_{plugin} Indicates to Geeklog whether or not this plugin supports Comments
plugin_showstats_{plugin} This expands the Site Stats page.
plugin_cclabel_{plugin} This puts an option for the Plugin in the Command and Control Block
plugin_getadminoption_{plugin} This places a menu option in the Admin Block
plugin_getuseroption_{plugin} This places a menu option in the User Block
plugin_uninstall_{plugin} This uninstalls the plugin and is called by both your install page and the plugin administration page.

Optional Functions:

The following optional plugin functions are broken out into the following related groupings. The first group are the functions required to support moderation within your plugin. If you want your plugin to be moderated like Geeklog stories and links then you must implement these functions.

Function Description of Function
plugin_ismoderator_<plugin name> Checks if the current user has rights to moderate for the plugin and returns true if this is the case, false otherwise.
plugin_submissioncount_<plugin name> Calculates the current number of submissions awaiting moderation and returns that number.
plugin_savesubmission_{plugin name} Saves submitted item from a user in {plugin name}submission table
plugin_moderationvalues_{plugin name} Returns the primary key column name, the main
   table name (called {plugin name}) and the list of fields from that 
table that you'd like to have show up on the moderation page.
plugin_itemlist_{plugin name} Shows any items needing moderation for your plugin on moderation.php
plugin_submit_{plugin name} Shows the submission form for your plugin. Returns a string containing the HTML to display the plugin submission form.
plugin_moderationapprove_{plugin name} Takes an ID into {plugin name}submission and moves it to the main table called {plugin name}.
 This optional function supplements moderation.php. While moderation.php 
 actually moves data from the <plugin name>submission table to the main <plugin 
 name> table, this function executes all other submission approval tasks 
including any other database updates required by your plugin.
plugin_moderationdelete_{plugin name} Takes an ID into {plugin name}submission table and deletes it.
 This optional function supplements moderation.php. While moderation.php 
 actually removes data from the <plugin name>submission table, this function 
 executes all other submission removal tasks including any other database 
updates required by your plugin.

If you want your plugin to retrieve search results when the Geeklog search is used or present your plugin as a possible search type then you will want to implement these functions.

Function Description of Function
plugin_getsearchtypes_{plugin name} You will probably want to add a
    new type in the Type drop down on search.php.  This function prints
the option tags needed. Make sure that the value tag is {plugin name}
plugin_dopluginsearch_{plugin name} Takes the search criteria and lets
    you build search results for your plugin.  This returns a string
array of table rows, one row for each record returned by your search.

If you want your plugin to support comments and use the Geeklog comment engine, then you need to implement these functions in your plugin functions.inc file

Function Description of Function
This function does not
           take any parameters but simply returns true if this plugin supports 
           comments. This call is made in Geeklog code (example article.php) to 
determine if it should redirect handling to the plugin
plugin_handlecomment_<plugin name> This
           function expects a parameter for the comment id and operation. The 
           operation parameter is either 'save' or 'delete'. This function will 
           update the plugin record with the total number of comments for this 
           plugin item and the then redirect the user back to the plugin 
instead of the main site page
plugin_commentform_<plugin name> This function expects a
           number of parameters and is called from Geeklog article.php and 
           comment.php. Parameters are: comment_id (primary key), comment_mode 
           (nested, flat, threaded, none, order (Ascending or Descending) and 
reply (was the reply submit button used on the comment bar). Only comment_id is mandatory.
Optional function which
           can be called from your plugin_commentform function to also display 
           the plugin parent above the comments. This is how Geeklog articles 
           are displayed with the story and then the comment bar and associated 