Installing Geeklog:System Requirements
From GeeklogWiki
Installation - System Requirements
The system requirements for installing Geeklog v2.2.1 (the last time the requirements changed) and later are as follows:
- Web server - one of the following
- Apache Web Server
- Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Server)
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7) with the following extensions
- mbstring Extension
- bzip2 Extension
- mysql or mysqli Extension (To enable MySQL support)
- pgsql Extension (To enable Postgresql support)
- OpenSSL Extension (To enable the Geeklog OAuth Login process)
- JSON Extension (For Filemanager and Database tools)
- fileinfo (To enable thumbnail creation of images in articles) (for IIS only as fileinfo is integrated into Apache)
- cURL (Not required but recommended for the reCaptcha plugin)
- Database server - one of the following
- MySQL 4.1.3 or higher (MySQL 5 recommended)
- Postgresql 9.1.7 or later
- The ability to create a new database or to have access to an existing one