New Installation

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Revision as of 17:47, 6 July 2006 by Ludovicus (talk | contribs)

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First Download the latest Geeklog 1.4x
move the file to your webroot
tar -zxvf geeklog*.tar.gz
Change into the GeekLog directory 'cd geeklog-1.4.x'.
Copy all files to your primary directory with 'cp -Rf * /home/username/public_html'.

chown -R webuser:webuser *
chmod -R 755 logs
chmod -R 755 backups
chmod -R 755 data
chmod -R 755 public_html/backend
chmod -R 755 public_html/images/articles
chmod -R 755 pulic_html/images/topics
chmod -R 755 public_html/images/userphotos/
Down Load the tarball into any directory. 

Edit /home/username/public_html/lib-common.php and update your path to the GeekLog files.

configure your /public/lib-common.php

require_once( '/home/username/config.php' );

configure your config.php

Edit /home/username/config.php and enter your parameters for:

$_DB_host = 'localhost';
$_DB_name = 'geeklog';
$_DB_user = 'geeklog';
$_DB_pass = 'your_password';
$_DB_table_prefix = 'gl_';
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/username/public_html/';

create your mysql database, mysql account, grant privileges to mysql account.
install geeklog database 

As root create the mySQL database and access rights:

$ mysql -u root

mysql> create database geeklog_db;

mysql>grant all on geeklog.* to geeklog@localhost identified by 'yourgeeklogpassword';


click on desired options

login to your page using default Admin/password
change password
remove directory