File Management Plugin
The File Management Plugin is created by Blaine at Portal Parts. This plugin allows you to easily administer files which are available for download through your site. For installation instructions, please refer to the Readme file included with the plugin.
Accessing The File Management Plugin
After the plugin has been installed, you can access it administratively by:
- Logging into your website as an administrator.
- Clicking the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
The files in the File Management Plugin can be accessed through:
The Settings for the File Management Plugin can be changed by:
- Logging into your website as an administrator.
- Clicking the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Clicking the Settings link.
- Making your changes.
- Clicking the Save button.
The options are self-explanatory. Remember that the "upload" option is related to files being added, not files being accessible. If you created the folders exactly as instructed in the installation instructions (i.e. if you did not create folders in a different location and/or with a different name), you should not need to change the directory or URL paths.
The form for adding categories, adding sub-categories and changing categories (including deleting them) are all on the same page. To access this page:
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Categories link.
Adding A Category
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Categories link.
- Type the category name in the Title field under Add MAIN Category.
- If you want an image associated with the category, click the Browse button to search for and select the image from your computer.
- Click the first Add button (the one under Add MAIN Category).
Adding A Sub-Category
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Categories link.
- Type the category name in the Title field under Add SUB-Category.
- Select the main category to which the sub-category belongs.
- Click the first Add button (the one under Add SUB-Category).
Modifying A Category
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Categories link.
- Under Modify Category, select the category you want to modify.
- Click the Modify button under Modify Category.
- Make your changes.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Deleting A Category
Warning: When you delete a category, all the files within the category are also deleted. If you want to keep the files, move them to another category firstly!
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Categories link.
- Under Modify Category, select the category you want to delete.
- Click the Modify button under Modify Category.
- Click the Delete button.
- You will get a pop-up asking you whether you want to delete the category.
- Click the OK button to confirm.
Adding Files
Adding Files As An Administrator
If you add a file as an administrator, you will not need to approve the file firstly. To do this:
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Add File link.
- Complete the form. The first three fields should be completed.
- Click the Add button.
Adding Files As A Member
Members who do not have administrative access to add files directly need to submit them for approval firstly. This feature must be activated in the Settings before it can work. To do this, they must:
- Log into the website (unless you allow anonymous uploads, which is not suggested).
- Click the Upload A File link in the User Functions block.
- Complete the form. The first three fields should be completed.
- Click the Submit button.
Approving Files Submitted By Members
Files submitted by members who do not have administrative access to the site must be approved before they are included. You can also change the settings to disable this option or to enable or disable an automatic email to the member once their file is approved. Currently there is no option to automatically send an email when the file is declined.
To approve/decline a file:
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Downloads link. The link will have a number after it if there is a file waiting to be approved.
- If necessary, you can make changes to the submission either at this point or after the file has been approved. There is also the option to download the file prior to approving it.
- To approve the file, click the Approve button. To decline the file, click the Delete button.
Managing Broken Files
Members can report broken files through the File Management Plugin. Administratively, you can currently either ignore the report or delete the file. Ignore allows you to ignore the report and only deletes this reported entry. Delete allows you to delete the reported file entry in the repository but not the actual file.
To manage the reports:
- Log into your website as an administrator.
- Click the Filemgmt Admin link in the Admins Only block.
- Click the Broken Files link. The link will have a number after it if there are reports.
- Click the red X icon under the Ignore or Delete options to match your desired action. The Title is hotlinked so you can click on it to confirm the report. The Report Sender and Submitter names are also hotlinked so you can be taken to their profile.
Editing & Deleting Files
To edit or delete files, you must access the files through
Find the file you want to edit or delete, click on the Edit link associated with it, and make the appropriate changes.