Complete Table of Contents

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Geeklog Documentation

  1. Introduction
    1. What is Geeklog?
    2. Who made Geeklog?
    3. Geeklog Features
    4. What Languages are Available?
      1. Creating a new translation
      2. Language Tips And Tricks
  2. Installation
    1. System Requirements
    2. New Installation
      1. Directory Hierarchy
      2. Pre-Installation Checklist (also see: InstallChecklist14)
      3. Installation Instructions (also see: InstallInstruct14)
    3. Upgrading
      1. Pre-Upgrade Checklist
      2. Upgrade Instructions
    4. Common Problems
      1. Installation Problems
      2. Post-Installation Problems (also see: InstallPost14)
    5. FAQ
    6. The Geeklog Configuration File (also see: ConfigFile14)
  3. Administration
    1. Configuration
      1. The Geeklog Configuration File
        1. (also see the 1.4 version of this page)
      2. Remote Authentication
        1. LDAP Remote Authentication
        2. OpenID
      3. Blocks
        1. Official
          1. Who's Online Block
          2. Topics Block
          3. Admins Block
          4. User Settings & User Functions Block
          5. What's New Block
          6. Poll Block
          7. Events Block
          8. Older Stories Block
        2. Unofficial
          1. News Block
        3. Block Types
      4. Plugins
        1. Bundled Plugins
          1. Calendar Plugin
          2. Links Plugin
          3. Polls Plugin
          4. Static Pages Plugin
          5. Spam-X Plugin
          6. XMLSitemap Plugin
        2. 3rd Party Plugins
          1. Ban Plugin
          2. Contacts Plugin
          3. External Pages Plugin
          4. FAQ Manager Plugin
          5. File Management Plugin
          6. Forum Plugin
          7. GlinksPlugin
          8. Menu Plugin
          9. MultiFAQ Plugin
          10. Net Tools
          11. ThingsToDoPlugin
          12. Visitor Stats Plugin
        3. How To Install A Geeklog Plugin
      5. Themes
        1. Installing Themes
        2. Custom Themes
        3. Default Themes
        4. Other Themes
        5. Porting a Theme
      6. Hacks
        1. Admin Toolbox
    2. Daily Administration
      1. Users and Groups
      2. Adding and Managing Content
        1. Content Types
          1. Stories
          2. Links
          3. Events
          4. Polls
        2. Topics
        3. Editors and Admins
        4. Submission Queues
      3. Geeklog Permissions
      4. Troubleshooting
      5. Dealing with Spam
    3. Quick How-Tos
    4. Security Guidelines
  4. User's Documentation
    1. Exploring the Geeklog Interface
    2. Contributing a Story
    3. Resetting or Changing your Password
  5. Programmers/Developers Documentation
    1. Getting Started
    2. Beginner's Guide to Geeklog Programming
      1. Geeklog Coding Standards
      2. Source Code Documentation
      3. Security and Common Practices
    3. Plugin Development
      1. Plugin Developers Handbook
      2. Plugin API
      3. New Plugin API Functions in Geeklog 1.6.0
      4. Plugin Toolkit
    4. Misc. Programming Topics
      1. The Story Architecture
      2. Displaying Tables
      3. Filtering Spam with Spam-X
      4. Writing Portable SQL
      5. Database Schema
      6. Mercurial
      7. [[]]
    5. Related Topics
      1. Translations
      2. Theme Developers Guide
      3. Proposed Roadmap
      4. Development Environment

Main Table of Contents